Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Did you know?

1.) I want to work in a modern or contemporary art museum someday. And not in the gift shop. But somewhere behind the scenes or as a docent.

2.) Cate Blanchett is Nicholas Angel's (Simon Pegg) girlfriend in Hot Fuzz (2007). And the guy she is leaving him for is Peter Jackson. I learned this from Edgar Wright himself, who said that they felt pressured by studio bosses or producers to put bigger names in their second film. Oh, they're in there, but you can't see their faces. Brilliant!

3.) One of my simplest pleasures: stomping on paper and plastic cartons--whether they'd previously contained orange juice or lemonade--in order to flatten them for recycling. Can you tell I just watched Amelie (2001)?

4.) I just won a SoundPass to all the channels of RadioIO. I think it's something like a $50 value. Each station has been giving away one a day for a month. This means for a whole year I can listen without commercials and with less talk. Yippee!

5.) I wish I could be paid to watch movies. There's not much else I know how to do.

6.) I like to make up words. Hence the title of this blog, which roughly means "the collection of random things" or "the condition of being a collection of random things." Other notable words: to wiki (to look something up on Wikipedia, as in to google) and collectionist (displaying tendencies to obsessively collect and catalogue things).

7.) I had my first bloody nose in England this morning.

1 comment:

Ridiculous Authenticity said...

Congrats on the soundpass. No one deserves it more than you! I think they know how much you blog about them and felt obligated to give you a gift in return.

Sorry about the bloody nose, but that was one long spell without a bloody nose. Longest ever?