Friday, June 29, 2007


I am in pain. Here's a list of the parts of my body that hurt. I'm interested in seeing how many there are, too.

1.) My head. Apparently because of a sinus headache because after Stephanie left, my cold really kicked in. I take Motrin to relieve the pain. Shame it doesn't really work on the other parts.

2.) My knees. I swear yesterday my left knee hurt more. Today it is the right. It is so difficult and painful to walk. I wish I had a wheelchair. I think it has something to do with my lying in bed all the time. Due to pain and boredom. In addition, I think my legs hurt because this chair I am sitting on at my desk has the most awkward seat. It is raised in the front, and with my short legs my feet do not lay flat against the ground. By the way, it hurts to go up and down stairs.

3.) My heels. I can't really explain this one, but I think it has something to do with my sandals that I wear everywhere. I know what you're thinking, just stop wearing the sandals. But the damage is done.

4.) My left wrist. It hurts the most whenever I wake up. What do I do in my sleep?

That might be it.

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