Sunday, May 27, 2007

archivists are going to have a field day with me

I'm a diarist. I have been for years, and as the years rage on I have become a much more detail-oriented documentarian. I think my diary as it stands now evolved from the free agenda books I would get at the start of every year in middle school. In them, I would only remind myself of daily homework assignments and the dates of any upcoming assessments. When I reached high school, I added more snippets of my daily routine. Gradually, I have added what I eat, what I wear, and more generally what I do or should be doing. With either the exact times that I do them or estimates marked with "ish" or "?" so that I know years from now it was just a guess.

This is how big a collectionist I am. I do it because I don't want to forget anything. Must admit, for example, that I started writing down what I wear so that I don't wear the same things two days in a row. I know. How could I forget what I wore the day before? You would be surprised. But that is neither here nor there.

But today, just when I thought it couldn't be packed with more info, I thought of a new thing to add: some code for categorizing my overall feeling about the day. Smiley face for "good, happy." Frowning face for "bad, unhappy." A face with a straight line for a mouth for neither good nor bad, just "shrug." Since many things influence my mood, the criteria that I evaluate before marking each day now with a smile or a frown run the gamut of possible factors. I consider everything, such as my productivity, attitude towards others, level of diversion (aka how much fun I had), intellectual stimulation, etc. You know, everything a day entails.

1 comment:

Ridiculous Authenticity said...

You can call me a plagiarist the day I start using the phrase "That is neither here nor there" in my blogs, ok?