Saturday, May 26, 2007

casting off

Finally! It's happened. The raspberry-colored acrylic scarf that I started in early November as my first knitting project is finished. I know, I know. I am a very slow knitter because I am still not comfortable with the moves. Plus my needles are metal and heavy. You should see how I hold the needles and yarn while knitting. Highly inefficient. Also please keep in mind that I would go weeks without ever working on it because I probably made a mistake and didn't know how to fix it myself.

My friend Lisa is the one who originally taught me how to knit. She has watched me try to finish the project and she has been there to fix my many mistakes. Because of this, I must admit that she finished the scarf. In just ten minutes, she tacked on the extra inches that I was too impatient to add myself after I worked on it for an hour and a half this afternoon (and probably only added an inch). I am just so glad it's finished! And I'm definitely going to wear it out. I mean, how many times can you say that you're wearing something you yourself made? (Actually, for me, it's almost every day because I made the boxer shorts decorated with a loud floral pattern that I only wear at home, never out on the street.)

I will remember the scarf as my first knitting project, yes, but it has added significance because I will always associate it with my time in England.

1 comment:

Ridiculous Authenticity said...

If I remember correctly, that scarf was supposed to be for me, and it was supposed to be ready for my winter visit.