Saturday, March 10, 2007

is tomorrow wide enough?

Hot damn I am productive. Despite getting a late start, around 2 pm (I woke early this morning and went back to sleep for two hours following breakfast because my back was hurting me), I managed to brainstorm/outline all four of the essays I am to write over my month-long Easter holiday. And I wrote a very clever letter to my brother as well. I admit I am boasting here and now, and I can feel you foaming at the mouth.

Tomorrow involves me doing the laundry and washing my bras in my sink since I've now got Woolite (!), finishing Our Father San Daniel (that boring Spanish novel that is only now getting interesting with half to go), reading an article on the Spanish film industry for my cultural studies class (a review of some sorts considering I took Spanish film last term), and going to see Pan's Labyrinth (2006) at the cinema on campus.

1 comment:

Alexandra Frank. said...

Nevermind. I changed my mind. I just read the article on the Spanish film industry.