Tuesday, March 27, 2007

vamos a comenzar

Finally got my Spanish grammar books in the post this evening. You should have seen the smile on my face. I couldn't see it myself, but I assume it was pretty big because the porter noticed how eager I was and how happy I was to receive the package (or "parcel," as they say here).

This is embarrassing, but I don't care: I sniffed my books to see if they smelled like home. No, I only sensed their coldness, and I could smell the scent of the newspaper stuffing on them. I got emotional just handling my dictionary. It's rumpled and its cover is on the verge of falling off. Compare with the French dictionary I brought with me from home: like new. I told you I've had some good, extensive time with that dictionary, and it shows.

I used the box Stephanie and Dadd shipped the books in as a prop for my second one-act play from junior year in high school. I know this because it says "SONY" on one of the flaps inside the box.

Memories, memories.

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