Thursday, March 22, 2007

having a nice day

I've had a great day today and here's why (you know how I love lists):

1.) I've seen so many people while walking around, everyone from Lisa to neighbors, Claudia the nice Sicilian girl whose friend likes my accent, a girl in my modernist literature class I'd chitchat with from time to time (hope her foot gets better fast!), and even a girl from my history in film class last term. I do know people after all!

2.) That Fanta was good.

3.) I paid my rent for the Easter holiday break and the summer term. No, I'm not happy to part with over £800 all in one go, but I am relieved I don't owe the university any more money! Yesss!

4.) Even though many people didn't show up to my 1960s class seminar today, I think we had a very good wrapping up session. Yes, we talked about the academic essay due after the holiday and the exam, but we also discussed the topics of our creative essays. (I turned mine on Joe Colombo in today.) And in my response to someone else's topic, I even shared something she "might add" to the paper. That's what we're all here for: to learn from each other. It was a very good meeting.

5.) After feeling bad for refusing a flyer-giver even after we (meaning the flyer-giver and I) chuckled at how the girl ahead of me refused him, I took a flyer from a friendly-looking girl. I glanced down and read: "Is Jesus the son of God?" I immediately crumpled it up. Then, later on my journey home, I read the entire flyer. The organization sponsoring the event was not completely religious. "The Source: thinking seriously about life's big issues." But the event IS hosted by the Christian Union and is for "open-minded people." Shit. I'm not one of them, I guess. There goes me, ignoring my Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes.

Unfortunately, I am tired and want to nap. My mouth is certainly tired after shoving all those cheese curls in. I keep procrastinating from reading/looking at this book on Jean-Jacques Beineix, director of Diva (1981). It's been recalled and it's due tomorrow, but I'm sure a nap right now will not keep me from EVER looking at it before tomorrow night at 10 pm.

1 comment:

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