Thursday, February 15, 2007

i have a nice accent

When I missed the Sainsbury's bus yesterday, I ran into Claudia from Sicily, whom I had met on my day trip to Liverpool back in November. I met her Italian friend, Angela, who said that although she can understand British English better (when they speak clearly!), she much prefers the sound of the American accent. I assume she means the accent that isn't attached to any specific region because she says I have it. In other words, I don't sound like I am from New York, Boston, Texas, the Midwest, the South, etc. I have what people call the "accent-less" accent, which doesn't actually exist. (Everyone has an accent.) So I felt very good after she said that. Never been told I have a nice accent. Perhaps it's that I never thought I had a specific accent and thus felt less special. But I have a nice accent. How sweet.

1 comment:

Ridiculous Authenticity said...

That means I have a nice accent too.