Sunday, February 4, 2007

fix the day

I am such a square. I just created and printed a schedule for the purposes of better managing my time outside of class, to cure boredom, if you will. With the afternoon classes and awkwardly long and drawn-out gaps in between, I need to find something more constructive than sleeping. So far, I have penciled in "Read something!" between Youth and Political Culture in 1960s Europe (Mondays, 1 to 2 pm) and film screenings for French Cinema since 1945 (Mondays, 5 to 7 pm). And I plan to "Work on [My] French!" after Cultural Production and Consumption in Contemporary Spain (Tuesdays, 11 to 1 pm) but before a lecture in French Cinema (Tuesdays, 5 to 6 pm). And let's not forget running the weekly errand to Sainsbury's on Wednesdays from 1 to 3 pm.

What else can I do with my time during the day?

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