Thursday, April 12, 2007

but i heart these guys

This isn't exactly laugh-out-loud funny but it is cute:

It's a parody of the Lily Tomlin-David O. Russell on-set spat I directed to you a while ago. Here the brilliant Paul Rudd takes Tomlin's place, and Michael Showalter is over-the-top as Russell but still not quite as over-the-top as Russell himself was. "I Heart Showalter" is part of an upcoming episode of "Michael Showalter Showalter," according to the website I swiped it from, but I cannot find evidence of its existence elsewhere (i.e. IMDb).

Must say that the funniest bit is a play on Michael's name. "Go fuck your sho(w), Walter." Classic.

By the way, I cannot believe I have finally broken down and embedded a video in my blog. I guess I did it because if I "directed" you to it, you probably wouldn't go, especially since out of the gate I called it not "exactly laugh-out-loud funny."


Ridiculous Authenticity said...

God I love Paul Rudd. (Did you see that stubble?)

But actually, I thought it was pretty funny, and I didn't see the original.

Alexandra Frank. said...

I know. I take it back. It is HILARIOUS.